Mastering the Art of Networking at Conferences : 4 things you should do.

Oct 11, 2024 | 0 comments

Networking events and conferences can feel a bit intimidating, but they’re golden opportunities to make valuable connections in industries like IT and finance. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to the scene, learning how to strike up conversations and make a lasting impression is key to maximizing the event.

So, how do you break the ice and keep it cool?

Start Simple, Stay Curious


The easiest way to start a conversation is to be yourself. Open with a friendly smile and ask a simple question: “What brought you to the event today?” or “Have you attended before?” These types of open-ended questions work wonders—they get the other person talking and help you discover common ground.

For tech and finance professionals, you can steer the conversation towards relevant topics like the latest software tools, industry trends, or recent market shifts. Remember to keep it light but professional!

Be Genuine, Not Transactional


Don’t treat networking like a transaction. People are more likely to remember you if you show genuine interest in them. Ask about their work, their goals, or the challenges they’re facing in their field. Bonus points if you can offer some quick advice or insights, especially if you’re knowledgeable in something they find valuable.

Have a Quick Pitch, But Don’t Overdo It

networking tips

Yes, you want to showcase your skills or company while networking, but keep it conversational. A simple pitch like, “I work in IT, helping businesses streamline their operations with cloud solutions” or “I specialize in finance, supporting startups with financial planning,” will keep things clear without sounding too pushy.

Follow Up, Follow Through


After the event, don’t forget to connect on LinkedIn with a short message mentioning your conversation. It’s a professional yet personal touch that can turn a one-time meeting into a long-term connection.

Conferences aren’t just about swapping business cards—they’re about building relationships. So relax, enjoy yourself, and let the conversations flow naturally. The connections you make today could lead to exciting opportunities tomorrow!

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